Diana Stephanova
Address: Institute of Biophysics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bontchev Str, Bl. 21, Sofia-1113, BULGARIA Telephone: +359-2-9792127 Fax: +359-2-9712493 e-mail: |
Education, Experience, Employment:
2004 | DSc in Biophysics, Thesis: “Mathematical modeling of the electrogenesis of |
myelinated nerve fibres”, Institute of Biophysics, BAS, Sofia | |
1983 | PhD in Biophysics, Thesis: “Mathematical modeling of the processes in the |
cell membranes of skeletal muscle fibres”, Department of Automation | |
of Biological Experiment and Mathematical Modeling, Center of Biology, | |
BAS, Sofia | |
1973 | MS in Atomic Physics, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University, Sofia |
2008-present | Professor, Institute of Biophysics, BAS |
1995-2008 | Associate Professor, Institute of Biophysics, BAS |
1983-1995 | Research Associate, Institute of Biophysics, BAS |
1978-1983 | Research Associate, Department of Automation of Biological Experiment |
and Mathematical Modeling, Center of Biology, BAS, Sofia | |
1973-1978 | Physicist, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University, Sofia |
Major Research Interest: | Computational Neuroscience; |
Electrogenesis of excitable structures; | |
Biophysics of extracellular potential fields; | |
Mathematical modelling. |
International research projects: | [1] Project with Institute of Neurology, London, 1989-1991. |
Grant G900630 from MRC, London. | |
National research projects: | [1] Project leader of K806/98 National Science Fund, 1998-2001; |
[2] Project leader of K447/94 National Science Fund, 1994-1997; | |
[3] Project of the Program "Investigation of human and his brain", 1984-1990. | |
Research Awards: | Award of the Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education for essential results in a research project (K-806/98, National Science Fund, 2003). |
Expert activities: | - Referee for the journals: Biological Cybernetics,
- Member of Editorial Board of "Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal". |
Resent International contacts: | M. Hallett, NIH, Bethesda, USA; P. Gatev, Emory University, Atlanta, USA; P. Ivanov, Boston University, Boston, USA; M. Goldfinger, Wright State University, Dayton, USA; R. Dengler, Medical School of Hannover, Hannover, Germany; W. Wolf, University AF, Munich, Germany. |
PAPERS: 1-43
Stephanova D, Daskalova M: Differences between the channels, currents and mechanisms of conduction slowing/block and accommodative processes in simulated cases of focal demyelinating neuropathies. Eur. Biophys. J. 37(6):829-842, 2008
Stephanova D, Daskalova M: Membrane property abnormalities in simulated cases of mild systematic and severe focal demyelinating neuropathies. Eur. Biophys. J. 37(2):183-195, 2008
DI, Daskalova M, Alexandrov AS, Channels, currents and mechanisms of
accommodative processes in simulated cases of systematic demyelinating
neuropathies. Brain Res. 1171:138-151, 2007
Christova L, Stephanova D, Kossev A: Branched EMG electrodes for stable and selective recording of single motor unit potentials in humans. Biomed. Tech. 52:117-121, 2007
Stephanova DI, Alexandrov AS, Kossev A, Christova L: Simulating focal demyelinating neuropathies: membrane property abnormalities. Biol Cybern. 96:195-208, 2007
Stephanova DI, Alexandrov AS: Simulating mild systematic and focal demyelinating neuropathies: membrane property abnormalities. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 5(4):595-623, 2006
Stephanova DI, Daskalova MS, Alexandrov AS: Differences in Membrane Properties in Simulated Cases of Demyelinating Neuropathies. Internodal Focal Demyelinations with Conduction Block. Journal of Biological Physics, 32:129-144, 2006
Stephanova DI, Daskalova MS, Alexandrov AS: Differences in Membrane Properties in Simulated Cases of Demyelinating Neuropathies: Internodal Focal Demyelinations without Conduction Block. Journal of Biological Physics, 32:61-71, 2006
Christova L, Angelova P, Kurchatova A, Stephanova D: Muscle functional state assessment by estimation of muscle fiber conduction velocity. Klinische Neurophysiologie, 37(2):138-143, 2006
Stephanova DI, Daskalova
M: Differences in potentials and
excitability properties in simulated cases of demyelinating neuropathies. Part
III. Paranodal internodal demyelination. Clin Neurophysiol, 116(10):2334-2341, 2005
Stephanova DI, Daskalova
M: Differences in potentials and excitability properties in simulated cases of demyelinating neuropathies. Part
II. Paranodal demyelination. Clin Neurophysiol, 116(5):1159-1166, 2005
Stephanova DI, Daskalova
M, Alexandrov AS: Differences in
potentials and excitability properties in simulated cases of demyelinating
neuropathies. Part I. Clin Neurophysiol, 116(5):1153-1158, 2005
Stephanova DI, Daskalova M: Excitability properties of normal and demyelinated human motor nerve axons. Electromyogr clin Neurophysiol, 44:147-152, 2004
Stephanova DI, Daskalova
M: Extracellular potentials of
Stephanova DI, Daskalova
M: Abnormalities in the excitability
and potentials of demyelinated human motor fibres. Comptes rendus de l'Academie
bulgare des Sciences, 56(9):113-118, 2003
Stephanova DI, Daskalova
M: Nodal and internodal
strength-duration time constants and rheobase currents for human myelinated
motor and sensory nerve axons, Comptes rendus de l'Academie
bulgare des Sciences, 56(10): 113-118, 2003
Stephanova DI, Daskalova
M: Extracellular potentials of human
motor myelinated nerve fibres in normal case and in amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis, Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 42:443-448,
Stephanova DI: Myelin as longitudinal conductor: a multi-layered model of the myelinated
human motor nerve fibre, Biol Cybern, 84:301-308,
M, Stephanova DI: Strength-duration
properties of human myelinated motor and sensory axons in normal case and in
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Acta Physiol & Pharmacol Bulgarica, 26:11-14, 2001
Stephanva DI, Daskalova
M, Kristev I: Excitability changes during the recovery cycle of human myelinated motor and sensory axons in normal case and
in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Acta Physiol & Pharmacol Bulgarica, 26:
41-44, 2001
Stephanova DI and Mileva K: Different effects of blocked potassium channels on action potentials, accommodation, adaptation and anode break excitation in human motor and sensory myelinated nerve fibres: computer simulations, Biol Cybern, 83:161-167, 2000
Stephanova DI and Chobanova M: Action potentials and ionic currents through paranodally demyelinated human motor nerve fibres: computer simulations, Biol Cybern, 76:311-314, 1997
Stephanova DI, Kossev A: Action potentials and ionic currents through internodally demyelinated human motor nerve fibres: computer simulations, Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 50(3):107-110, 1997
Stephanova DI and Bostock H: A distributed parameter model of the myelinated human motor nerve fibre : temporal and spatial distributions of electrotonic potentials and ionic currents, Biol. Cybern., 74: 543-547, 1996
Stephanova DI and Bostock H: A distributed parameter model of the myelinated human motor nerve fibre : temporal and spatial distributions of action potentials and ionic currents, Biol. Cybern., 73:275-280, 1995
Stephanova DI: Conduction along myelinated and demyelinated nerve fibres with a reorganized axonal membrane during the recovery cycle: model investigations. Biol. Cybern., 64:129-134, 1990
Gydikov A, Kossev A, Trayanova N, Stephanova DI: Electrotonic potentials of myelinated nerve fibres, Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 30:47-51, 1990
Stephanova DI: Model investigation of the mechanisms of conductance along excitable fibres in the recovery cycle, Acta Physiol & Pharmacol Bulg, 16:14-17, 1990
Stephanova D: Conduction along myelinated and demyelinated nerve fibres during the recovery cycle: model investigations, Biol. Cybern., 62:83-87, 1989
Stephanova DI,Trayanova N,Gydikov A,Kossev A: Extracellular potentials of a single myelinated nerve fiber in an unbounded volume conductor, Biol. Cybern., 61:205-210, 1989
Stephanova DI:
Model investigations of the temperature dependence of demyelinated and
reorganized axonal membrane, Biol. Cybern., 60:439-443,
Stephanova DI:
The effect of temperature on a simulated systematically paranodally demyelinated
nerve fiber, Biol. Cybern., 60:73-77,
Stephanova DI:
Reorganization of the axonal membrane in a demyelinated nerve fiber: computer
simulations, Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 28:101-105,
Stephanova DI:
Systematic paranodal demyelination of nerve fibers: computer simulations,
Elecromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 28:107-110,
Stephanova DI:
Mathematical analysis of the changes in the parameters of the action potentials,
membrane and ionic currents of frog muscle fibre during the recovery cycle,
Biol. Cybern., 57:207-211,
Stephanova DI,
Gydikov A: Mathematical modelling of the changes in the parameters of the
action potential of frog muscle fibre at different temperatures, Electromyogr.
clin. Neurophysiol., 25:223-232,
D, Stoicheva N, Stefanova DI: A
simple interpolation formula for the rate of approach of particles or cells with
tension-controlled shapes at arbitrary separations, J. Coll. Int. Sci.,
98:269-271, 1984
Stephanova DI:
Mathematical analysis of the changes in the action potential and ionic currents
of frog muscle fibres at different temperatures, Electromyogr. clin.
Neurophysiol., 24:599-610,
Stephanova DI:
Mathematical analysis of the changes in the intracellular potentials, generated
by a human skeletal muscle in the recovery cycle at the different temperatures,
Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 24:107-115,
Stephanova DI:
Mathematical analysis of the changes in the action potentials, generated by a
frog skeletal muscle fibre under the effect of temperature, Electromyogr. clin.
Neurophysiol., 24:369-376,
Stephanova DI,
Dimitrov G: Mathematical analysis of the changes in the intracellular
potentials, generated by human skeletal muscle fibre under the effect of
temperature, Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 24:377-386,
Stephanova DI,
Dimitrov G: Mathematical analysis of the mechanisms of conductance along
excitable fibres in the recovery cycle, Electomyogr. clin. Neurophysiol.,
23:35-47, 1983
Stephanova DI, Dimitrov G: Mathematical modelling of ionic processes in human skeletal muscle fibres, Electromyogr. clin. Neurophysiol., 22:329-347, 1982
Last modified: 20 February 2008
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