Professional Skills
Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis
- Registration and
interpretation of chlorophyll a fluorescence signals - induction kinetic
curves, quenching analysis, temperature curves
- JIP-test analysis
- Quantitative imaging of chlorophyll fluorescence
- Analysis of delayed fluorescence signals -
induction curves of sub- and millisecond delayed fluorescence; dark
decay kinetics in millisecond, second and minute time-domains;
delayed fluorescence temperature curves
Other biophysical and plant physiology methods
- Oxygen electrode measurements
- Photosynthetic gas exchange
- Cell microelectrophoresis
- Photoinduced light-scattering changes
- Absorption spectroscopy - ∆A820
Biochemical methods
- Isolation of thylakoid membranes
- Determination of pigment and protein concentration, lipid
peroxidation products
Bulgarian, English, Russian
Computer skills
Programming languages
- Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Applications
- C , C++
Experience in developing software for acquisition and processing
of spectroscopic data, relation databases, etc.
Image processing and analysis
Professional experience in preparing images for press printing.
Word processing, page layout and prepress
- Microsoft Word
- Corel Draw
- Adobe PageMaker
Professional experience in pre-press preparation of books, scientific
journals, high-school textbooks, dictionaries, technical literature,
Web publishing
- Javascript
- Macromedia Dreamweaver
Data analysis and graphing
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Visio
- Statsoft Statistica
- Microcal Origin
- SPSS SigmaPlot
- ChemWindow
Databases and bibliography software
- Microsoft Access
- Reference Manager
- Endnote
Video Editing
- Adobe Premiere
- MGI VideoWave
- Pinnacle Studio
- Cyberlink PowerDirector
Design, construction, and administration of Windows-based local