Bulgarian Academy of Sciences  


Institute of Biophysics-BAS

Address: Acad. G. Bontchev Str., Bl. 21, Sofia-1113, Bulgaria

Fax: +359-2-9712493

E-mail: biophys@obzor.bio21.bas.bg


Bulgarian Academy of Sciences






Minister of Education, Youth and Science Yordanka Fandakova presented the contracts  to beneficiaries who got financing from the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme  "Human resources development", Programme “Support to the development of PhD students, post-doctoral students, post-graduate students and young scientists". Twenty one contracts are signed with universities and institutes of BAS to total value of 9 653 667 EUR. Full list of contracts can be found here: Structural Funds and International Educational Programs Directorate.   

The Institute of Biophysics (IBF) won the largest grant in the program to the value of 773 346 BGN for the project "Implementation and use of new methods and approaches in the training of young researchers in the field of biophysics in order to increase their competitiveness and skills in applied fields such as agriculture, ecology and medicine” in partnership with Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Faculty of Biology and Physics) and the “Applied Research and Communications” fund.







On the 4th of  September 2009 Minister Yordanka Fandakova personally handed the new contract to the Director of the Institute of Biophysics – Corr. Member Andon Kossev.

The target group consists of 50 PhD students, young scientists, graduate and post-graduate students from IBF – BAS, Biology and Physics Departments of SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

The program of the project is primarily educational and will enable participants in the target group to develop skills for establishing and managing projects in Bulgarian and international scientific programs. One of the specific objectives of the project is creating new partnerships and expansion of opportunities for the development of biophysics in Bulgaria.
Within the frames of the project are provided annual scholarships to the amount of 2000 BGN for project participants - PhD students, young scientists, graduate and post-graduate students, supporting their current employment. Scholarships are also provided for the participation of the young scientists in national and international scientific events in the area of applied biophysics.

In connection with the project will be set up "Scientific Management Group" at the Institute of Biophysics, which will support development of new partnerships and the involvement of the institute and its partners in the contract in Bulgarian and European research programs.

Program of the project for 2009 includes:

  1. Interviewing participants in the target group to determine the optimal schedule for training and improving professional skills of the participants in the target group.
  2. Mapping of scientific organizations and companies in the field of biophysics, and the available equipment, based on a questionnaire. 100 organizations across the country will be interviewed with the help of interviewers.
  3. Organizing and conducting a scientific forum "Days of biophysics in Bulgaria” – meeting the young biophysicists with representatives of companies working in the field.
  4. Conducting two lecture modules for training in project management - technical and financial management, partnerships search, techniques for managing innovation in companies, protection of intellectual property, business plan development and commercialization of research results, introduction of new products in production and others


Detailed program for the upcoming activities will be published on the webpage of the Institute of Biophysics and on the notice boards in the base and partner organizations.

The project team thanks to all participants for their cooperation!


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Last updated: 17 September 2009

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