Conference Venue
Arrival in Sofia
Dear Colleagues,
The participants arriving in Sofia will be accommodated in Hotel ‘Pliska’.
How to get to ‘Pliska’ Hotel when you arrive in Sofia:
Pliska is a major, well known point of the public transport in Sofia - view scheme.
Single-journey tickets cost 0.70Lv and can be bought from street kiosks or from the driver for 0.80Lv. Once on board each ticket must be validated by punching it in one of the machines positioned near the doors of the vehicle.
An extra ticket must be validated for each large item of luggage.
Inspections are frequent.
Departure for Elena
On 13 May (Tuesday) 1030 am, the busses for Elena will depart from the parking of Hotel 'Pliska'.
Elena is situated in the central Stara Planina mountains, 42 km southeast of the old Bulgarian capital Veliko Tarnovo. The area is a popular mountain resort well known with its typical local cuisine. The climate in Elena is moderately-continental and the air is pollutant-free. There are several architectural sights (old churches, first Bulgarian old class school, and clock tower), museums and many old houses dating from Bulgarian National Revival.
Pictures property of: Photogallery of Elena