Експериментална и приложна алгология – Научни публикации

Наукометричните показатели на лабораторията се състоят от близо 500 научни публикации в реномирани национални и международни списания, където през годините са представяни фундаментални проучвания от областите: физиология, биохимия и биотехнологии на микроводорасли.


Toshkova-Yotova T, Georgieva A, Iliev I, Alexandrov S, Ivanova A, Pilarski P, Toshkova R. 2022. Antitumor and antimicrobial activity of fatty acids from green microalga Coelastrella sp. BGV. South African Journal of Botany 151.

Ivanova J, Konstantinidou A, Kabaivanova L. 2022. Examination of Exopolysaccharides from Porphyridium cruentum for Estimation of Their Potential Antitumour Activity in Vitro. Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des sciences: scienc es mathématiques et naturelles 75, 8.

Ivanova J, Hubenov V, Nacheva L, Kabaivanova L. 2022. Cost effective production of green microagae for valuable compouns production. The Stephan Angelov Institute of Microbiology, Publishing House Farrago, 93-101.

Kabaivanova L, Ivanova J, Churukova E, Hubenov V. 2022. Algal Biomass Accumulation in Waste Digestate after Anaerobic Digestion of Wheat Straw. Fermentation 8, 715.


Toshkova-Yotova T, Georgieva A, Todorova K, Pilarski P, Toshkova R. 2021. Antitumor properties of vegetable oil extract from green microalga Coelastrella sp.. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences 11(2).

Ivanova J, Kabaivanova L, Vasileva I. 2021. Assessment of the production potential of valuable compounds with antioxidant properties of different green microalgae. Oxidation Communications 44, 1, 27-33.

Georgieva A, Toshkova-Yotova T, Toshkova R. 2021. Antitumor and apoptogenic effects of ferulic acid on cervical carcinoma cells. Research Journal of Biotechnology 16, 4.

Vasileva I, Toshkova-Yotova T, Georgieva Z, Karcheva Z, Petrova D, Chaneva G, Yocheva L. 2021. Effect of temperature and light on the biochemical profile and antimicrobial activity of Chroococcus sp. R-10 (Cyanoprokaryota). Oxidation Communications 44, 4, 723-736.

Vasileva I, Alexandrov S, Peeva V, Ivanova A, Ivanova J. Optimizing the production of value-added substances derived from Chroococcus sp. R-10 (Cyanoprokaryota). Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences 74, 11, 2021.

Toshkova-Yotova T, Georgieva A, Pilarski P, Toshkova R. 2021. Aqueous extracts of green microalga Coelastrella sp. BGV display antiproliferative and proapoptotic activity in vitro against HeLa tumor cells. Comptes Rendus de L’Academie Bulgare des Sciences 74, 5.


Vasileva I, Ivanova J, Gigova L. 2020. Selection of nitrogen source affects the growth and metabolic enzyme activities of Chlorella vulgaris (Beijerinck) strain R-06/2 (Chlorophyta). Archives of Biological Sciences 72(2), 291-300.

Toshkova-Yotova T, Alexandrov S, Pilarski P, Yocheva L, Petrova D, Chaneva G. 2020. Screening of antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of green microalga Coelastrella sp. BGV. Oxidation Communications 43, 2, 265-279.

Ivanova J, Vasileva I, Kabaivanova L. 2020. Enhancement of Algal Biomass Accumulation Using Undiluted Anaerobic Digestate. International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences 9, 3.

Petrova D, Yocheva L, Petrova M, Karcheva Z, Petkova Zh, Toshkova-Yotova T, Pilarski P, Chaneva G. 2020. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of microalgal extracts. Oxidation Communications 43, 1.

Ivanova J, Vasileva I, Kabaivanova L. 2020. Enhancement of algal biomass accumulation using undiluted anaerobic digestate. International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences 9, 3.

Hubenov V, Carcioch RA, Ivanova J, Vasileva I, Dimitrov K, Simeonov I, Kabaivanova L. 2020. Biomethane production using ultrasound pre-treated maize stalks with subsequent microalgae cultivation. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 34, 1.


Vasileva I, Marinova G, Gigova L. 2019. Growth and antioxidant enzymes responses of Scenedesmus sp. BGP (Chlorophyceae) to cultivation temperature and irradiance. Oxidation communications 42, 1, 39-48.

Doneva D, Ivanova J, Kabaivanova L. 2019. Physiological responses to oxidative stress of different Chlorella vulgaris isolates. International Journal Bioautomation 23, 4, 447-460.

Nikolova B, Semkova S, Tsoneva I, Antov G, Ivanova J, Vasileva I, Kardaleva P, Stoineva I, Christova N, Nacheva L, Kabaivanova L. 2019. Characterization and potential antitumor effect of a heteropolysaccharide produced by the red alga Porphyridium sordidum. Engineering in Life Sciences.

Vasileva I, Alexandrov S, Ivanova J. 2019. Biotechnological perspectives of the red microalga Porphyridium cruentum. Studia Universitatis“ Vasile Goldis“ Arad. Seria Stiintele Vietii (Life Sciences Series) 28(4), 167-173.

Vasileva I, Ivanova A, Alexandrov S. 2019. Terraforming mars is not out of the question yet–and microscopic algae could help. Trakia Journal of Sciences 17(1), 9.

Vasileva I, Ivanova J, Alexandrov S. 2019. Bioethical considerations for algal biotechnology. Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 9(2), 1-5.


Marinova G, Ivanova J, Pilarski P, Chernev G, Chaneva G. 2018. Effect of heavy metals on the green alga Scenedesmus incrassatulus. Oxidation Communications 41, 2, 318-328.

Strunecký O, Kopejtka K, Goecke F, Tomasch J, Lukavsky J, Neori A, Kahl S, Pieper DH, Pilarski P, Kaftan D, Koblížek M. 2018. High diversity of thermophilic cyanobacteria in Rupite hot spring identified by microscopy, cultivation, single‑cell PCR and amplicon sequencing. Extremophiles, Springer.

Hristozkova M, Gigova L. Stancheva I, Velikova V, Marinova G, Geneva M. 2018. Influence of mycorrhizal fungi and microalgae dual inoculation on basil plants performance. Gesunde Pflanzen 70, 2, 99-107.

Vasileva I, Gigova L. 2018. Effect of different nitrogen sources on the pattern and activity of certain metabolic enzymes of Scenedesmus sp. BGP (Chlorophyceae). Genetics and Plant Physiology 8 (3-4), 105-120.

Toshkova-Yotova T, Georgieva A, Pilarski P, Toshkova R. 2018. Antiproliferative and proapoptotic activity of water extracts obtained from green microalga Coelastrella sp. BGV against HeLa tumor cells. Proceedings of the XIIIth Workshop on biological activity of metlas, synthetic compounds and natural products with international participation, Institute of Experimental Morphology, Pathology and Anthropology with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.


Hristozkova M, Gigova L, Geneva M, Stancheva I, Vasileva I, Sichanova M, Mincheva J. 2017. Mycorrhizal fungi and microalgae modulate antioxidant capacity of basil plants. Journal of Plant Protection Research 57, 4, 417-426.

Dimitrova P, Marinova G, Alexandrov S, Iliev I, Pilarski P. 2017. Biochemical characteristics of a newly isolated strain Coelastrella sp. BGV cultivated at different temperatures and light intensities. Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia “St. Klimen t Ohridski” Faculte de Biologie 102, 4.

Doneva D, Ivanova J, Kabaivanova L. 2017. Physiological and biochemical changes in algal cultures of Chlorella vulgaris and Synechocystis salina (mesophilic and antarctic isolates) occurring after treatment with UV-B radiation. Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, VIII.

Doneva D, Ivanova J, Kabaivanova L. 2017. Physiological and biochemical changes in antarctic and mesophilic isolates Chlorella vulgaris under the effect of Sanosil. Genetics and Plant Physiology 7, 3-4.


Kabaivanova L, Ivanova J, Pechlivanova V, Nikolova B. 2016. Specific antitumor effect of the combined action of algal heteropolysaccharide and electroporation. International Journal Bioautomation 20, 3, 407-416.

Alexandrov S. 2016. Algal research in space: history, current status and future prospects. Innovare Journal of Life Science 4(4), 1-4.

Alexandrov S. 2016. Re-engineering of RuBisCO for the purpose of producing algal biofuels may be a lost cause. Advancements in Life Sciences, 4, 1, Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB).

Vasileva I, Ivanova J. 2016. Microalgal cultivation under lowered CO2 conditions in order to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. International Scientific Publications – Ecology and Safety 10.

Vasileva I, Ivanova J, Angelova L. 2016. Urea from waste waters – perspective nitrogen and carbon source for green algae Scenedesmus sp. cultivation. International Scientific Publications – Ecology and Safety 10, 311-319.


Chaneva G, Pilarski P. 2015. Iron supply-induced oxidative changes in Plectonema boryanum (Cyanobacteria). Oxidation Communications 38, 2, 714-721.

Gärtner G, Uzunov B, Ingolic E, Kofler W, Gacheva G, Pilarski P, Zagorchev L, Odjakova M, Stoyneva M. 2015. Мicroscopic investigations (LM, TEM and SEM) and identification of Chlorella isolate R-06/2 from extreme habitat in Bulgaria with a strong biological activity and resistance to environmental stress factors. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment 29, 3, 536-540.

Gigova L, Ivanova N. 2015. Microalgae respond differently to nitrogen availability during culturing. Journal of Biosciences 40, 2, 365-374.

Ivanova J, Kabaivanova L, Petkov G. 2015. Temperature and irradiance effects on Rhodella reticulata growth and biochemical characteristics. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 62, 5, 647-652.

Iliev I, Petkov G, Lukavsky J. 2015. An approach for bioremediation of mineral oil polluted soil. Genetics and Plant Physiology 5(2), 162-169.

Kvíderová J, Elster J, Iliev I. 2015. Application of databases in polar research – Data evaluation and outputs. Czech Polar Reports 5, 2, 143-159.


Alexandrov S, Iliev I, Petkov G. 2014. Establishment of growth conditions for cultivation of the microalga Trachydiscus minutus at laboratory scale. Pure and Applied Biology 3, 01-09.

Gacheva G, Gigova L. 2014. Biological activity of microalgae can be enhanced by manipulating the cultivation temperature and irradiance. Central European Journal of Biology 9, 12, 1168-1181.

Ivanova J, Stoyancheva G, Pouneva I. 2014. Lysis of Antarctic algal strains by bacterial pathogen. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 105, 6, 997-1005.

Gardeva E, Toshkova R, Yossifova L, Minkova K, Ivanova N, Gigova L. 2014. Antitumor activity of C-Phycocyanin from Arthronema africanum (Cyanophyceae). Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 57, 5, 675-684.

Gigova L., N. Ivanova. 2014. Responses of Symploca sp. (Cyanobacteria) to nitrogen depletion during culturing. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 67(1): 43-48.

Chernev G, Todorova E, Djambazov S, Salvado M, Ivanova J. 2014. Synthesis and structure of sol-gel silica-polysacharide hybrids. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 49, 2.


Gacheva G, Gigova L, Ivanova N, Iliev I, Toshkova R, Gardeva E, Kussovski V, Najdenski H. 2013. Suboptimal growth temperature enhance the biological activity of cultured cyanobacterium Gloeocapsa sp. Journal of Applied Phycology 25, 1, 183-194.

Gacheva G, Gigova L, Ivanova N, Pilarski P, Lukavský J. 2013. Growth, biochemical and enzymatic responses of thermal cyanobacterium Gloeocapsa sp. (Cyanophyta) to temperature and irradiance. Phycological Research 61, 217-227.

Chernev G, Kabaivanova L, Salvado, Ivanova J. 2013. Sol-Gel hybrid materials applied as matrices for a co-immobilized system of bacteria and algae. Journal of Applicable Chemistry 2, 6.

Najdenski HM, Gigova LG, Iliev I, Pilarski PS, Lukavsky J, Tsvetkova IV, Ninova MS, Kussovski V. 2013. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of selected microalgae and cyanobacteria. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 48, 7, 1533-1540.

Alexandrov S, Iliev I, Petkov G. 2013. The alga Trachydiscus minutus aids purification of biogas to methane. Genetics and Plant Physiology 3, 3-4.

Dimova H, Chernev G, Salvado M, Kabaivanova L, Ivanova J. 2013. Hybrid nanocomposite materials used for immobilization and long term sorage of red microalgae. Nanoscience and nanotechnology 12.


Petkov G, Ivanova A, Iliev I, Vaseva, I. 2012. A critical look at the micro algae biodiesel. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 114, 103-111.

Gigova L, Ivanova N, Gacheva G, Andreeva R, Furnadzhieva S. 2012. Response of Trachydiscus minutus (Xanthophyceae) to temperature and light. Journal of Phycology 48, 1.

Gigova L, Gacheva G, Ivanova N, Pilarski P. 2012. Effects of temperature on Synechocystis sp. R10 (Cyanoprokaryota) at two irradiance levels. I Effect on the growth, biochemical composition and defense enzyme activities. Genetics and Plant Physiology 2, 1-2.

Gigova L, Gacheva G, Toshkova R, Yossifova L, Gardeva E, Ivanova N, Iliev I, Kusssovski V, Najdenski H. 2012. Effects of temperature on Synechocystis sp. R10 (Cyanoprocaryota) at two irradiance levels. II Effect on antibacterial, antifungal and cytotoxic activities. Genetics and Plant Physiology 2, (1–2).

Gardeva Е, Toshkova R, Yossifova L, Minkova K, Gigova L. 2012. Cytotoxic and apoptogenic potential of red microalgal polysaccharides. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 26, 4, 3167-3172.

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