Ongoing Research Projects

National funding

Д01-271/02.10.2020 Project BULCode „Fostering plant biodiversity research capacity in Bulgaria through scientific excellence in DNA barcoding and metabarcoding“, National program “European Scientific Networks, Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria
PI: Dr. Georgi Bonchev

National Research Program: „Healthy nutrition for a strong bioeconomy and quality of life“
PI from IPPG – BAS: Prof. Violeta Velikova, participants from the lab: Dr. Vasilissa Manova, Dr. Irina Boycheva, Zlatina Gospodinova, Dr. Georgi Antov

National Research Program: „Environmental protection and reduction of the risk for adverse climate changes“
Project coordinator from IPPG – BAS: Prof. Valya Vassileva, participants from the lab: Dr. Georgi Bonchev, Dr. Vasilissa Manova, Dr. Irina Boycheva

КП-06-Н56/9 “Interdisciplinary biotechnological approach for analysis and modulation of the biological potential of the medicinal plant Nepeta nuda
PI: Assoc. Prof. Miroslava Zhiponova (Sofia University). Partner: IPPG-BAS, participants from the lab: Dr. Georgi Bonchev, Dr. Zlatina Gospodinova, Dr. Georgi Antov

KP-06-N21/8. „Mechanisms of recovery from drought and frost-induced desiccation: strategies for survival of the resurrection plant Haberlea rhodopensis“.
PI: Prof. Katya Georgieva
Partners: Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, BAS, Agrobioinstitute – Agricultural Academy

КП-06-Н56/15 “Тhe ancient wheat – growth and physiological characteristics under unfavorable stress factors and possibilities to alleviate the negative effects” (2022-2025).
PI: Assist. Prof. Irina Moskova, IPPG-BAS, participants from the lab: Dr. Vasilisa Manova, Yana Koicheva

КП-06-Н43/6 “Investigation of bioflavonoid fustin for antitumor, anti-inflammatory and gastro-entero-hepatoprotective action in experimental pharmacological models”,
PI: Prof. Stefka Valcheva-Kuzmanova, MD, PhD, DSc, Medical University “Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov” – Varna, participants from the lab: Dr. Zlatina Gospodinova, Dr. Georgi Antov

КП-06-Н41/6 „Potentiating effect of Haberlea extract on soybean Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor in breast cancer cell lines”
PI: Assoc. Prof. Diana Zasheva, IBIR-BAS, Partners: IPPG-BAS, Agrobioinstitute – Agricultural Academy

International funding

BUL5016 IAEA Technical Cooperation Project „Improving the Productivity and Quality of Economically Important Crops through Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology“
PI from IPPG-BAS: Prof. Lyubomir Stoilov

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