Zornitsa Katerova-Landzhova


The final meeting of the Scientific Jury, approved by order РД-01-25/13.05.2024 of the Director of IPPG-BAS concerning a competition for the academic position of Associate Professor in Plant Physiology, in professional field 4.3. Biological Sciences (SG, issue 22/15.03.2024) for the needs of the laboratory “Regulators of Plant Growth and Development”, will be held on 15.07.2024 from 10:00 h in the conference hall of IPPG, Acad. Georgi Bonchev  Str., Bl. 21.

Candidate: Assistant Professor Zornitsa Katerova-Landzhova, PhD


  1. List of Publications – Assist. Prof. Zornitsa Katerova-Landzhova, PhD
  2. List of Publications for the Competition – Assist. Prof. Zornitsa Katerova-Landzhova, PhD
  3. Abstracts of Publications – Assist. Prof. Zornitsa Katerova-Landzhova, PhD
  4. List of Citations – Assist. Prof. Zornitsa Katerova-Landzhova, PhD
  5. Review – Prof. Maya Velitchkova, PhD
  6. Review – Assoc. Prof. Irina Vaseva, PhD
  7. Opinion – Prof. Lilyana Gigova, PhD
  8. Opinion – Prof. Malgozhata Berova, PhD
  9. Opinion – Assoc. Prof. Maria Geneva, PhD
  10. Opinion – Assoc. Prof. Milena Nikolova, PhD
  11. Opinion – Assoc. Prof. Detelin Stefanov, PhD

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