Georgi Bonchev

Associate professor Georgi Bonchev, PhD

Building 21
Office 106, Lab 211, 221
Phone: +359 (2) 979 2678; +359 2 8722678

Scopus Author ID: 6505600938
ORCID: 0000-0002-6059-8003
Research Gate: Georgi Bonchev

Birth date: 1971
Birth place: Sofia, Bulgaria

Research interests

Plant molecular genetics, transposable elements, population genetics and evolution, development of DNA molecular markers for assessment of natural and stress-induced genetic diversity in plants .

Еducation and academic qualifications

  • 2017 Group leader, Laboratory of Genome Dynamics and Stability, Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics
  • 2015-present Assistant professor, Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • 2012-2013 Postdoctoral grant, Sciex fellowship of the Swiss Government, Laboratory of Evolutionary Botany, University of Neuchatel, Neuchatel, Switzerland
  • 2011 PhD in Genetics, Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • 1999-2011 Research assistant, Institute of Genetics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • 1993-1995 M.S., Faculty of Biology, Sofia University, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment with specialization Gene and Cell Engineering
  • 1990-1992 St. Petersburg State University, Department of Plant Genetics


  • Sept 2018-June 2019 Fellowship of the Ministry of Education of Bulgaria for education, specialization and research abroad, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • 2014-2017 SAIA Fellowship under the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Sept 2012-Aug 2013 Postdoctoral study, SCIEX fellowship (Switzerland), Laboratory of Evolutionary Botany, University of Neuchatel, Neuchatel, Switzerland
  • Sept 2015-Feb 2016 Marie-Curie fellowship, Sussex University, Brighton, United Kingdom

Participation in projects

  • 2019-2023 Bilateral research project between Bulgaria and Turkey: “Determination of nuclear DNA content and ploidy level of wild sunflower species and their interspecific hybrids utilizing flow cytometry and their evaluation based on some yield traits” IPPG – partner
  • 2019-2022 National Research Program: „Healthy nutrition for a strong bioeconomy and quality of life“ project coordinator IPPG – BAS
  • 2016-2018 National TC Projects of IAEA, Vienna, BUL 5/014 “Screening of cereal germplasm stress response and adaptation potential by advanced nuclear, omics and physiological approaches”
  • April-June 2018 Project BG05M2OP001-2.002-0001, Studentski praktiki – Phase 1, Operational Programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth 2014-2020”, Student’s mentor
  • 2012-2015 Project BG051PO001-3.3., Operational Programme “Human Resources Development “Support for training and development of young competitive research experts in the field of physiology, phytochemistry, genomics, proteomics and biodiversity of eukaryotic organisms

Extracurricular activities

Organization and participation in events for promotion of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) – open and educational research, ethics in science.

Participation in 1th, 2d and 3th Social Labs on Responsible Research and Innovations (RRI), Madrid (March 2018), Prague (November 2018) and Novi Sad (October 2019), organizer R&I center Tecnalia.

Selected publications

Bonchev G., Dušinský R., Hauptvogel H., Gaplovská-Kyselá K., Švec M. (2019) On the diversity and origin of the barley complex agriocrithon inferred by iPBS transposon markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 66, 7, Kluwer Academic Publishers

Bonchev G., Vassilevska-Ivanova R. (2019) Fingerprinting the genetic variation and intergeneric hybrid dynamics in the family Asteraceae (genera Helianthus, Echinaceae, Tagetes and Verbesina) using iPBS markers. Biologia, Springer, (Online)

Bonchev G, Y. Willi (2018) Accumulation of transposable elements in selfing populations of Arabidopsis lyrata supports the ectopic recombination model of transposon evolution, New Phytologist, 219, 767-778

Bonchev G., Dusinský R., Hauptvogel P., Švec M. (2017) Patterns of evolutionary trajectories and domestication history within the genus Hordeum assessed by REMAP markers, Journal of Molecular Evolution, 84, 116-128

Bonchev G. Parisod C. (2013) Transposable elements and microevolutionary changes in natural populations, Molecular Ecology Resources, 13, 765-775

Bonchev G., L. Stoilov, Z. Angelova, S. Georgiev (2012) Genomic diversity of Ac-like transposable elements in sphaerococcum mutant forms of common wheat (T. aestivum L.) and triticale (X Triticosecale Witt.), Journal of Applied Genetics, 53(1), 9-17

Bonchev G., S. Pearce, S. Georgiev (2010) Retrotransposons and ethyle methanesulphonate induced genetic diversity in sphaerococcum mutant forms of hexaploid wheat and Triticale, Central European Journal of Biology , 5(6), 765-776

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1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

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