A fast and reliable method to measure the activity
of photosynthetic herbicides in intact plants


This site tells a short story about the method of delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction and its application for measuring the effects of herbicides inhibiting the plant photosynthesis. It summarises experiments and theoretical analyses conducted at the Department of Biophysics and Radiobiology, Faculty of Biology, "St. Kliment Ohridski" University of Sofia. It includes work done by Petar Lambrev for his PhD study* supervised by Dr. Vassillij Goltsev.

Related publications can be found on Petar Lambrev's home page.

The authors wish to thank Prof. Reto J. Strasser for his help and advice and the Swiss National Science Foundation for financial support through the SCOPES 2000-2003 programme.

* Dissertation title:
Application of prompt and delayed chlorophyll fluorescence for analysis of the action
of photosynthetic herbicides in intact leaves and thylakoid membranes of pea


Last update: 29 November 2004

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